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The Light in the Darkness

The Light in the Darkness

Sorry I didn’t write a blog last month.  I was very busy with busyness and although this month is no better, I do feel the need to scribble down some of my thoughts and share them with you.

During the course of my thirty five years or so of healing myself and assisting others in their healing, I have often thought that the whole world was on the verge of some kind of terrifying madness.  That suddenly the planet would twitch and we would all fall into the void.  I remember everyone waiting for the pole shifts, zero point, the birth of a new planet.  Those moments seem to have passed without incident.  It reminded me of when I was at school (now I am giving away my age), we were going to experience a total solar eclipse, and I remember people walking up and down the streets with boards strapped over their shoulders saying “The end is nigh”, “Prepare for the second coming”.  Well we watched the eclipse through pieces of coloured glass from the playground of our school and afterwards, all the people with boards seemed to have disappeared and there was nothing unusual in the days that followed the eclipse.

Of course I didn’t realise just how powerful eclipses are but I am so glad I had the experience because the next time I experienced a total solar eclipse, it was cloudy and wet and apart from everything getting even darker, there was not a lot to see.  I will share with you though what we did see in another blog.

I feel now that again we are on the cusp of something big.  It could mean disaster or resurrection or both.  I do feel the end is nigh.  Not the end of everything we have ever known but the end of a lower energy consciousness and the beginning of a higher consciousness.  A shift in consciousness.  When I think of those placards which said to prepare for the second coming, I feel that this shift in consciousness that we are approaching is a more ‘Christ like’ consciousness.

Of course as we prepare and open to this shift in consciousness, there is always some kind of backlash.  It looks to us today that there is so much madness happening on our planet.  So much killing, greed and environmental disaster.  It all looks pretty dark out there.

My Soul reminds me that it is in the darkness that the seed germinates and grows, it is in the darkness the baby grows ready to be born, it is in the darkness that you can see just how bright the light is.  This is the time of darkness ready to birth the new.  I know it has been said before but I do feel the new is indeed birthing.

What do we do? How can we help?

We need to remember that we are Divine Spirit beings who have chosen to re-incarnate at this particular time. We need to walk our talk and practice what we teach or have learnt.  We are beings of light and love.  So let’s bring any negativity into our light, let’s remember not only who we are but for all those who have forgotten, remember who they are, give them little reminders.  We are all beings of love.  I believe it is so important to keep our hearts open, to show compassion and understanding.  To remember that just as we forget who we are sometimes, most of humanity also forgets.  When they forget then there is extreme fear and it becomes a downward spiral.  It is important for all those who remember to hold the light and the love.  We don’t have to make it a big thing, like giving talks on TED but just a smile to someone you feel needs it, just a kind word, just to treat someone with respect remembering for them that they are also Divine Spirit beings.  A little show of kindness goes a long long way.

The other day whilst driving I let someone out of a side road to join the queue of traffic I was in, I then noticed that she let someone else in further down the road.  A little kindness gets passed on and in so doing changes the energy.  It is all about changing the energy.  If you wake up in a bad mood, tired and lacking in energy then take a few minutes to connect with your Soul Self and ask what you might need to change your energy.  If connecting to your Soul self doesn’t change the energy then be open for what trickles into your mind, maybe a walk before breakfast, meditation, yoga, to bring your breakfast back into bed and read that book you’ve been meaning to read for ages.  Change the energy, that is what we are all charged with.

I hope I have been able to remind you.  If we are the light in the darkness then where there is light there cannot be darkness, the light changes it.  Be the light, be kind, be loving not only to others but to yourself as well.

Much love, Patricia

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