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July 2024 - Dragon's Talk Blog - The Soul Within Us

The Soul Within Us

Whilst meditating the other day I suddenly felt an overwhelming gratitude for my Soul Self.  I know some of you might not believe that you have a Soul.  It is a difficult concept and one that is almost impossible to prove.

I first came across this concept many years ago.  I was suffering from depression when a friend of mine offered to give me free hypnotherapy sessions as she was training and wanted someone to practice on.  Of course I agreed, at the time I was desperate for help.    

I really enjoyed going into a deep state of relaxation, but what sometimes caught my attention was that my therapist was asking my Soul questions and the answers were mostly different from what I would have given if I wasn’t in such a deep state of relaxation.  I had never considered that I had a Soul before, let alone a Soul that was interested in my daily life.  This experience opened up my mind to learn more about ‘Soul’.

After having a few ‘Soul’ experiences, I fully believe that there is another part of me that although is interested in my life and how I live it, has a perspective that is so much bigger than just my life.

So the other day whilst meditating a powerful feeling of gratitude came over me regarding my Soul.  In that moment I could appreciate how my Soul loves me unconditionally, no matter what I do, no matter if I say ‘NO’ when I should have said ‘YES’, no matter if I don’t meditate as regularly as I feel I should, no matter if I’m grouchy, having a moan or just plain whiny.  No matter what my mood, what I say and what I do, it loves me.  I also appreciated how it stays quietly in the background letting me get on with my life, making my many decisions, some good, some bad.  I appreciated how it does advise and help when I ask for it.  Sometimes it even arranges things for me that are incredibly good for me but I’m too close at times to see it.

Soul does sometimes arrange things that help me with my healing.  I don’t always appreciate what has been sent but afterwards always see how it was for my highest good in the end and I can then appreciate the gift.

Soul has helped me through so much.  In the past I felt sometimes as if it was dragging me through thorn bushes, but I learnt not to argue and allow whatever Soul had waiting for me because I truly believed it only has my best interests, my highest potential in mind for me.

I also appreciate how it helps me be the therapist I am.  Soul never lets me down, is always there helping me help someone else.

Of course sometimes I don’t hear Soul but that is mostly when my mind gets in the way and already has the plans in place.  I have to ditch all plans if I want to hear Soul and not my own ego.  Sometimes Soul says that it doesn’t matter what choice I make, this is most frustrating because it is normally when I can’t make up my mind about something, but other times Soul is very clear like the time I was invited to go to South Africa for the first time.

I was scared to go because I had heard all sorts of horror stories about how much violence there is in South Africa.  I asked Soul if I should go but couldn’t get an answer because my fear blocked any answer my Soul might want to give.  At the time all my friends were talking about this wonderful psychic medium who was really accurate and brilliant.  I booked a session with her and told my friend that if she mentioned giraffes or lions then I would take that as a sign that I should accept the invitation to South Africa.  As soon as I sat down in front of her she said that I should go the South Africa.

Not only was it the correct decision, I had such deep experiences there, feeling so much closer to the Earth that I could even hear her heartbeat and I was still on the tarmac at Jo’burg airport.  Lots opened up for me and it led to years of going to South Africa, meeting the most wonderful people and always having the most amazing experiences (I feel a book coming on!)

If I let my fear guide me I would not have enriched my life in this way.  Now when I realise that it is my fear that is getting in the way, I do a transformational healing process on myself in order to clear it and get some Soul guidance.

I trust my Soul implicitly and am so grateful that I am not doing this journey alone but have a partner who is so much wiser than I.  That doesn’t carry the fear I do, and has that higher perspective which can make my worries so much smaller and inconsequential.

Talk to Soul, consciously share your life with Soul your worries your moans, your grief and pain as well as your joy and your love.  Souls biggest interest is you.

Love Patricia

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Lovely one, Patricia, and so true!💕

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