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August 2024 Dragon's Talk Blog - You Are Precious

You are Precious

I know we don’t always feel very precious.  Lots depend on what upbringing we had as children.  If we had a positive upbringing then it is easier for us to feel precious, loved and wanted.  When our upbringing has been negative then it is sometimes very hard to feel anything that is positive about ourselves.

We probably don’t very often consider whether we feel we are precious or not.  We can though see it in our actions.  If we do not think much about ourselves then we tend to abuse ourself or attract into our lives an abuser to do it for us.  When we feel positive about ourself then we care for ourself, keep ourself safe and comfortable.  We are more likely, when we feel positive about ourself, to have a good diet, take exercise and surround ourselves with loving people.  Our days seem to have more sunshine in them and even on rainy days we might well cook ourselves up something really comforting and tasty to eat then settle down with a good book.

If this is not you, if you are struggling to be heard, to be noticed (yet don’t want to be noticed), if you feel depressed quite often and feel you are worthless or not good enough, not intelligent enough or clever enough, can never do it right - then read on.

Even with a negative upbringing, we can change our beliefs about ourself.  I realised a few years ago that my parents were destroyed by the second world war.  They brought me up very negatively, but that was because their faith, their beliefs were destroyed during the war.  They lost all hope, and never regained it whilst alive.  They did not realise what damage they were doing to their children, they are just expressing their own frustrations and beliefs.

OK, that is no excuse for abusing their children, but the point I am making is that because they were so caught up in their own beliefs they were seeing the world and their children through very distorted eyes.  I know as children we are programmed to believe our parents, that’s the hard bit!  But if what they were seeing was not true.  If what they were expressing to us was not the truth.  It means that we were brought up on lies.  On beliefs that were not ours but theirs.  If they were lies, then we can begin to change our own beliefs.

The first thing to change is our belief that we are separated from God or Source or anything good.  We are spirit beings in human form.  We have a Soul self that does not judge us, does not punish us but helps and comforts us.  We can talk to our Soul self, moan and complain to our Soul self, we can also just be peaceful with our Soul self.  If our spirit part doesn’t judge us, why do we judge ourselves?

We can begin to change our beliefs and attitudes.  If we take responsibility for our own actions and take responsibility for everything that happens ‘to’ us, then we take the power to change those things into our own hands.  For example, I noticed that every time someone would say something positive to me, for example ‘Isn’t it a nice day’ I would always thinks of something negative like ‘yes, but it’s going to rain later’.  I didn’t realise I was doing it until I started to take responsibility for myself and my actions.  So I begun to change it, ‘Isn’t it a nice day’ and my answer became, ‘Yes, I am really enjoying the sunshine, it is so lovely to be warm’.  I also noticed that if anyone complimented me, it would just go over my head and the next moment I had forgotten the compliment.  Once I noticed it, I decided to change it, I had so easily believed the negative things my parents told me, now I decided to believe more positive things about myself.  When someone paid me a compliment, I breathed it in, I savoured it in my mind and then let it slip down into my heart.

Things began changing for me and before long I found myself surrounded by lovely people who seemed to really appreciate my contribution and me.  I found there were more sunny days than grey days, if not outside my window then definitely inside myself.

I realised that I was believing in myself a lot more than before.  My moaning to my Soul self was less and sharing my joy with my Soul self was on a much more regular basis.  Over time I learned that I was precious, a precious beautiful being of love.  This is a far cry from what I was told as a child, but logically, if I am a spirit being, held in love by the creator, made from the same essence as the creator - love, then I cannot be anything but precious and if I am precious, then so are you.  You don’t have to ‘deserve’ to be precious, you are, there is no arguing with that fact.  Breathe it in and savour the feeling of being precious and of being loved.

Yours in love and sunshine - Patricia

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